Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Starting is the hardest part…

Somewhere between the decisions, the To Do lists, the countdown reminders, the contracts, we tend to lose sight of what’s important.
I.                     Am.           Getting.        Married.

And to my best friend at that! Woohoo!!
Ok, now that we’ve let that sink in, if you’re like me, a wall of panic hit you immediately. You hop on the internet and come across TheKnot, Weddingbee, StyleMePretty, OffbeatBride and Martha Stewart Weddings. So many women with B-E-A-U-tiful weddings! How on earth was I going to be able to pull this off?
I have to admit I was lost at first. Finding your “bridal style” comes easy to some, and I was not one of those people. I love tattoos and loud music, but I have a soft spot for pearls and cardigans. Oh, this was NOT going to be easy. I researched and researched and then I researched some more. Let me tell you, my poor computer got a workout! Google Search and I, BFFs.
And then one day, it all kinda started falling in place.
I went to a bridal show and found my photographer. I listened to a friend’s recommendation and fell in love with my venue. A quick meeting with an old friend and I had my caterer! It seemed that the less I fought to have someone else’s “perfect” wedding the more the big stuff fell in place. I was swimming along fine until I hit wall #2.
The Details.
I knew from the beginning that I wanted to hand craft as many of the details of our wedding as I could- Not only to save money, but to inject as much of our personalities as I could. I have been working on a number of details for our big day, which I will slowly be revealing here online along with tutorials.
What was your first thought when you started to plan your wedding? Were you overwhelmed like me or did everything come together relatively easily?


  1. You are better than me! With student teaching and trying to graduate I didn't think at all about hand crafted details. Hindsight means maybe I would have done some things differently. Much like you said though, when you relax it seems to come together. I found the parts that were the best were those done by friends because of the heart involved. Planning a wedding should be like making love...a little alcohol, a lot of heart and it will be beautiful so sit back and have a glass of wine!

  2. yay! now go into detail about your details! :D
